
“Connecting people and knowledge to support the future of mobility”With this mission, we are a public interest incorporated association that provides a place for the investigation, research, and presentation of results in science and technology related to automobiles, as well as human resource development, standard creation and dissemination, and international exchange.

We actively collaborate and interact with related institutions and organizations, contributing to the improvement of mobility technology.


It continues to be a ``place'' that stirs the souls of engineers.


Connecting people and knowledge to support the future of mobility.


We will share knowledge with everyone involved in automobiles,
We want to be a place where people can hone their skills and have passionate discussions about the future.
Mobility technology is constantly required to evolve.
Enrich your life and do not put a burden on the global environment. In order to realize such a society.
Exchange, co-creation, dissemination, and development that transcend all barriers.
we will continue to promote. Speedy and powerful.