Announcement of publication of the November 2024 issue of Journal of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan

Publication information

<Special Feature> Development of Electrified Vehicles Based on System Analysis

 In order to develop electric vehicles, which are made up of various components, in a short period of time and efficiently, the entire vehicle is viewed as a system and manufactured from an integrated perspective.
In this special feature, we will introduce the cutting edge of electric vehicle development, which is competing on a global scale by making full use of a variety of tools, including model-based development, digital transformation, and modeling technology, as well as the efforts in "human resource development" that supports it.
Please have a look.

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The Journal of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan is published in electronic format. Please read it on your PC, tablet, or smartphone.


●Overall outlook
  • Proposal of MBD process for vehicle system improvement and efforts to improve efficiency
  • Mitsubishi Motors' Electrification Initiatives and the Appeal of PHEVs
  • Electrification brings new horizons for "thermal management architecture"
●System development
  • Development of 100% electric hybrid powertrain for C-segment SUVs
  • Development of 2.0L PHEV system for the new Prius
  • e-Axle development and trends
  • Development of lithium-ion battery internal temperature modeling technology
  • Coolant temperature prediction using CHT analysis and deep learning
  • Thermal management systems for EVs, oil cooling technology for motors and batteries
● Human Resource Development
  • Human resource development and reskilling in the expansion of the battery industry and corporate collaboration at AIST

<Hot Topics - A collection of trending topics>

  • Establishment of a smoothing capacitor temperature design method considering resonance between front-wheel and rear-wheel drive inverters in electric 4WD vehicles
  • Sound design and evaluation of vehicle interior noise
  • Study on effective use of regenerative power using 450kW in-motion charging infrastructure
  • Reducing CO2 emissions by reducing losses and improving efficiency in electric cast iron melting
  • Aerogel is as transparent and flexible as glass
  • A method for predicting compatibility between ride comfort and road input load for off-road vehicles using Bayesian Active Learning

<Serial article>

[Technology window]

What we value in automotive technology development in the SDV era
Yosuke Sekino (Hitachi Astemo)

[Super world]

Mathematical formalization of specifications: Using the ISO 34502 autonomous vehicle hazard scenario as an example
Takashi Tsuchiya, Daiki Nishioka, Yoshitaka Shingatani, and Kazuya Terabe (National Institute for Materials Science)


Safety in a new era: "Cooperative Safety"
Mr. Ichiro Hasuo (National Institute of Informatics)

[Formula SAE Japan's days and now]

The road to EVs and four-wheel in-wheel motors
Kaito Fujii (Honda Motor Co., Ltd.)

[Motorcycle Engineering Lecture for Everyone]

The Secret of the Engine
Supervised by: Everyone's Motorcycle Engineering Course Production Committee

[Technical Review]

Accidents involving autonomous and driver-assisted vehicles: current situation and challenges for reducing accidents
Takanori Fukao (Graduate School of the University of Tokyo)

Legal challenges to overcome in the development and implementation of autonomous vehicles
Yuga Nakagawa (Chukyo University)

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