Vol.15 No.22025 year 1 month 22 day issue
Organizer: JSAE
Date: April 2024th (Wednesday) – April 10th (Friday), 23
Venue: Sendai International Center + Online2024 JSAE Annual Congress (Autumn)
October-23 25, 2024
- The 2024 JSAE Congress (Autumn) was held in a hybrid format, combining on-site and online events, over three days from Wednesday, October 2024th to Friday, October 10th, 23. There were 25 technical sessions and 3 presentations, with a total of 73 people participating both on-site and online.
During the conference, a "Student Poster Session" was held on-site, with 33 posters on display. On the second day of the conference, a "Technical Review" and "Special Public Lecture" were held in a hybrid format, both on-site and online. In this issue, we will report on the most notable presentations from the Technical Sessions that we were able to watch.
Yuji Mihara (Tokyo City University)
Koji Ohnishi, Tsutomu Kikuchi, Kenichi Shimizu, Masatoshi Shimoda, and Yoichi Suzuki
Katsuzo Noguchi, Hiroshi Miyagawa, Yuichi Mori, and Kazunori Yoshitomi
(Magazine editorial committee)
Yuji MIHARA(Tokyo City University)
Koji ONISHI, Tsutomu KIKUCHI, Ken-ichi SHIMIZU,
Masatoshi SHIMODA, Hisakazu SUZUKI, Katsumi NOGUCHI,
Hiroshi MIYAGAWA, Yuichi MORI, Kazunori YOSHITOMI
(JSAE ER Editorial Committee)