Vol.14 No.82024 year 12 month 24 day issue
Planning the special feature - The cost performance of carbon neutrality -
Yoichi Suzuki (JSAE Engine Review Editorial Committee / Traffic Safety and Environment Research Institute)Cost barriers preventing the commercialization of e-fuel (renewable synthetic fuel)
Kaisei Sato, Yuta Ishikawa, Tetsuro Muramatsu (PwC Consulting LLC, Smart Mobility CoE)The current status of the commercial battery EV truck promotion project
Takehito Imai, Yoshiyoshi Iwasaki (Organization for the Promotion of Eco-Friendly Vehicles)Challenges and costs of introducing commercial electric trucks
Hiroyoshi Sato (CUBE-LINX Co., Ltd.)How much would it cost to introduce in-motion wireless charging on highways?
Takehiro Imura (Tokyo University of Science)
What can be done for people and goods?
Kazunori Yoshitomi (Editorial Committee Member, Hino Motors, Ltd.)