Systems Engineering Course

Systems Engineering Course

Systems engineering training program
<Supervision: INCOSE (International Council on Systems Engineering) Japan Branch (JCOSE)>

*Our activities aim to spread systems engineering to various industries in Japan. Details of JCOSE

Purpose of the course

 Society's expectations for automobiles in terms of reduced environmental impact, safe autonomous driving, etc. are increasing, and the environment surrounding the automobile industry is expected to become even more severe in the future. In order to continue to successfully provide automobiles and related services to the world in such an environment, it is considered effective to consider them as systems and use systems engineering as an approach to realizing this.
This program provides an opportunity for management who run an organization to consider the penetration of systems engineering, as well as engineers with experience in the automotive field and beginners who are about to get involved in the automotive industry. The following provides the basis for considering the elements that make up such a service and aiming to successfully realize it throughout the entire life cycle, including services.

  • A training program to acquire the basic concepts of systems engineering
  • A program to understand the effectiveness of collaborating across specialized fields to practice systems engineering.
  • A program that promotes understanding of systems engineering implementation for organizational management.

 Furthermore, to truly understand systems engineering, it is necessary to put it into practice. Following the above training program, it is hoped that each engineer will put it into practice within the company or organization to which they belong.


A training program to acquire the basic concepts of systems engineering

  • <Systems Engineering Beginner>
  • 1st September 2022th and 9th, 28, Number of days: 29 days ⇒ Completed
  • 2st September 2023th and 3th, 22, Number of days: 23 days ⇒ Completed
  • 3st August 2023, 8.31 days, number of days: 2 days ⇒ Implemented
  • 4th: July 2024th and 7th, 18 Duration: 19 days ⇒ Completed
  • <Systems Engineering Intermediate>
  • 1st September 2023th and 2th, 15, Number of days: 16 days ⇒ Completed
  • 2st August 2023, 8.9th, number of days: 2 days ⇒ Completed
  • 3rd: June 2024th and 6th, 19, 20 days ⇒ Completed    

A program to understand the effectiveness of collaborating across specialized fields to practice systems engineering.

  • <Workshop that transcends the boundaries of expertise among engineers> Implementation date: 2024 to be determined, number of days: 1 day

A program that promotes understanding of systems engineering implementation for organizational management.

  • <Systems Engineering Symposium - To respond to increasingly complex development as an organization -> Implementation date: Thursday, October 2023, 10 ⇒ Already implemented

Event Outline

Systems Engineering Beginner 4th
Session 2024 year 7 month 18 day (Thursday) to 19 day (Friday)
Venue Online event (Teams)
Entry fee
(2 days, tax included)
  • JSAE regular member 22,000 yen
  • Supporting member 33,000 yen
  • General 44,000 yen
  • Student member 11,000 yen

・Lecture text (PDF)

・Systems Engineering Handbook 4th edition (included in the participation fee. Will be mailed to the registered address in advance)
(If you already have the text, you will receive a 5500 yen discount from the above)

How to apply It has ended
Sponsorship JSAE
Co-host (planned) Keio University Graduate School of SDM
Cancellation deadline Cancellations made by July 7th (Thursday) are free; cancellations made after July 11th (Friday) will incur a participation fee.
Program (planned)

Day 1

Morning (Lecturer: Mr. Hidekazu Nishimura)

  • Fundamentals of systems engineering, life cycle stages
  • Systems thinking/leadership, communication using models

Afternoon (Lecturers: Mr. Hidekazu Nishimura, Mr. Fumiaki Kono)

  • Development process and Dual Vee
  • Concept Definition Business Analysis, Stakeholder Needs and Requirements
  • Request traceability, configuration management

Day 2

Morning (Lecturer: Mr. Hidekazu Nishimura)

  • Characteristics of good system requirements (including exercises)
  • Architecture definition, functional and physical architecture (including exercises)

Afternoon (Lecturers: Mr. Hidekazu Nishimura, Mr. Fumiaki Kono)

  • Measures to prevent fatal rework
  • Verification and validation from an early stage
contact information Course secretariat
Systems Engineering Intermediate 3rd
Session December 2024th (Wednesday) to 6th (Thursday), 19
Venue Online event (Teams)
Entry fee
(2 days, tax included)
  • JSAE regular member 22,000 yen
  • Supporting member 33,000 yen
  • General 44,000 yen
  • Student member 11,000 yen

・Lecture text (PDF)

・Systems Engineering Handbook 4th edition (included in the participation fee. Will be mailed to the registered address in advance)
(If you already have the text, you will receive a 5500 yen discount from the above)

How to apply It has ended
Sponsorship JSAE
Co-host (planned) Keio University Graduate School of SDM
Program (planned)

Day 1

Morning (Lecturer: Mr. Hidekazu Nishimura)

  • Review of Beginner Systems Engineering
  • Fundamentals of Model-Based Systems Engineering

Afternoon (Lecturer: Mr. Hidekazu Nishimura)

  • System model description using SysML
  • Exercises on system model description (however, no tools are used)

Day 2

Morning (Lecturer: Mr. Fumiaki Kono)

  • Architecture-based safety analysis
  • Safety analysis exercises (individual and group work)

Afternoon (Lecturers: Mr. Hidekazu Nishimura, Mr. Masaatsu Kusunoki, Mr. Yuko Mizuno)

  • Application examples of system models throughout the lifecycle such as verification, improvement development, and PLE
Cancellation deadline Cancellations made by June 6th (Wednesday) are free; cancellations made after June 12th (Thursday) will incur a participation fee.
contact information Course secretariat
Systems Engineering Symposium - Responding to increasingly complex development as an organization -
Overview In addition to lectures on the practice of systems engineering across disciplines, there will be a discussion on introducing this approach to organizations. We would like to invite all engineers and management involved in development to participate.
Session Thursday, July 2023, 10
Venue Nagoya International Conference Center International Conference Room
Entry fee


Sponsorship JSAE
Co-sponsored Keio University Graduate School of SDM
Supervision JCOSE

9:30-9:40 Opening remarks

9:40-10:10 MBSE application efforts for vehicle remote air conditioning systems
      Yu Suzuki, Hiroaki Kurokawa, Seiji Honda (Toyota Motor Corporation)
 In recent years, vehicle systems have rapidly become more sophisticated and complex, and there is a need for further efficiency in vehicle system development. Therefore, we will apply the MBSE concept and method to solve practical problems such as rework due to discrepancies in the understanding of system requirements that are currently occurring among development personnel, and failure to identify the scope of impact when changing requirements, and demonstrate its usefulness. There is a need. This time, we will report the results of applying MBSE to the design of requirements specifications for a complex remote air conditioning system that communicates between smartphones, servers, and various ECUs.

10:10-10:40 Analysis of issues and effects when applying SE/MBSE to powertrains and ADAS
       Yutaka Ayame (Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.)
 I would like to talk about the effects and challenges that have come to light while promoting activities to apply SE/MBSE to system development in the different domains of powertrain (PWT) and ADAS. In order to tailor and apply SE/MBSE, it is necessary to analyze the current issues, including the target system, development process, and implementing organization, and then proceed with this. We will introduce development examples from both PWT, which has been working on SE for 13 years, and ADAS, which has been working on it for 5 years, and discuss the difficulties and challenges of development reform, points to note when applying it, and its effects.

10:40-11:10 To SysMLv2 – Differences from v1 and evolution of MBSE from the new standard
       Thomas BRUN, Ken Kawamura (Dassault Systèmes Inc.)
 SysML, a systems modeling language that supports MBSE practice, is currently undergoing major evolution. In July 2023, the beta version of the new standard specification SysMLv7 was published by the standards organization OMG. SysMLv2 is a language system that improves usability, expressiveness, and extensibility, and standardizes API specifications to ensure interoperability with information necessary for engineering activities. We will explain the origins of SysML, the contents of SysMLv2 including specific differences from SysMLv1, and the necessity and aim of migrating to v2.

11: 10-11: 20 Break

11:20-12:10 Panel discussion: Responding to increasingly complex automobile development
       Panelists: In addition to the above speakers, Takashi Nakazawa (Hitachi Astemo, Inc.)
       Moderator: Hidekazu Nishimura (Keio University Graduate School of System Design and Management)

12:10-12:15 Closing remarks