
JSAE publishes a variety of publications, including the Journal of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, which is distributed free of charge to all members, peer-reviewed Japanese and English papers, as well as other cutting-edge series and engineering books. All past publications by the Society are listed in the Paper/Information Search System and can be accessed or purchased at any time.

Journal of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan

The Society's journal, "Journal of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan," has been published since its founding and is distributed free of charge to all members.
It has been digitized since 2021 and is available in a digital book format that can be viewed on smartphones. You can also download a printable PDF. We have also started publishing the HTML version (responsive) from April 2023.


We publish two peer-reviewed collections of papers: "Transactions of JSAE" (Japanese) and "International Journal of Automotive Engineering" (English). Both are available for free on J-Stage.

Purchasing and researching literature

The "Paper/Information Search System" allows you to search and purchase documents published by this society as well as documents published by other organizations such as SAE.
In addition, individual members of the JSAE can view our literature published over five years ago and purchased digital books published within the past five years for free.

Publication information site

We sell books other than those published electronically by our association, and you can purchase many engineering books useful for engineers, such as the Automotive Engineering Handbook Series.
There are also opportunities to purchase books at great deals, such as the "Summer Campaign" and "New Year's Gift Campaign."

E-mail magazine publication

This is an e-mail magazine that delivers information on the JSAE's events, activities, and publication. Registration is free and anyone can use it.
It is published once a week on Friday in HTML format.


Errata of literature and books published by the JSAE are posted here.
Data purchased after the publication date of the errata may reflect the contents of this errata.

Various publications

The JSAE distributes various content for free, including the "Engine Review" magazine, which introduces internal combustion engines and electrification technology in an easy-to-understand manner, "Leading Engineers Who Built Automotive Technology," a collection of interviews with honorary members.


This is a list of periodical publications published by the JSAE.